Monday, October 29, 2007

Hark of the bells, sweet horrid bells!

Alright, I found out today that I have a fear
of men. That's right, I noticed it just today as I walked
out of class. How to explain...
I saw my classmates leave to their next class
while some gave a kiss to their lover's cheek. I could not help but squirm
and carry on. I dragged my glued feet through the spacious hall. The hall seemed
to get tighter as I followed up to my room. I wondered what was wrong with me.
This never happened before. I am a very stoic individual so I was able to tolerate those times when some teen decided to swap spits in the stairs or behind the school. I never seemed affected in the slightest bit. My defenses were high and my indifference, impeccable! I'd rival a bust were it not for my newly-found insecurity! I walked by an elderly man and felt myself sweat. I blinked and looked to him as a silent accusation. He smiled and I suddenly blushed and cleared my throat before speed walking to the next building. I entered building 5 and saw some boy fussing over something in his phone. Curiously did I stare at him. He glanced back at me and waved. I screamed and ran away.
The day went on like this. With every man I saw...same reaction.
So, this is not a sign of love or anything.
If it were...then boy I must be in love with every guy I ran into today and made a complete fool of myself over!
Gosh, I talked to mom about it but she says
"It's natural sweetie!"
I think I'm just bloody nuts!
Hark of the bells!
Sweet horrid bells!
All seem to scream
"Go, run away!"
Halloween is here,
bringing wondeful fear
to young and old, meek and the grosteque!
Ding, dong, ding, dong!
That is their song!
With fearful screams
and dreadful rings!
One seems to hear
words of fear
from everywhere
filling the air!
Oh how they pound,
raising the sound,
o'er hill and dale,
telling their tale...
Ding. Dong. Ding. Dong.
Happy early Halloween!
Lyrics taken from "Carol of the Bells" and modified.

1 comment:

MissMillerick said...

Aw, Squeege! This is an interesting predicament.... But I'm sure it can't last long.